Friday, January 31, 2020

Title research: Watch the Title

continuing on with our research, the second website we will be using displays a different set of movies to watch. I am looking at this site, to give more a visual representation of what it is we will be doing for our movie opener. And how not to  make insertion of our titles. I will be watching a short video to observe the use of titles to ensure that my project has every correct element in it. Still sticking to our genre (sci-fi) I chose to watch "Panic room #18 Rebirth." In the video, they used images to represent the theme ad genre of the movie, while still inserting titles in creative ways. For example one title was located inside of a DNA, and another was found next to a weird alien looking creature. Withing the 2 minute video, I learned that you do not have to make the titles so basic. With that being said I am sort of learning how to creatively input our titles into our video. How to insert them but still not taking away from the opening sequence, of what the movie will be about. I also learned you do not have to put all the titles into one part of it but to spread it pout. The importance of what colors and fonts you use as well. These videos are really helpful because it starts to cultivate our minds into thinking more creative when it comes to titles.

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