Friday, January 17, 2020

Narrowed down Pitches

After discussing with my group, we came down to our 2 best pitches. At first, we had a couple pitches that were decent. The first pitch we had was a girl who was coming home from work and noticed a car following her. This would have been a thriller. However, none of my group members drive so it would have been more complicated. So, we came up with another pitch. This pitch was more of a horror. In this pitch, a girl is in her home, and she notices things in the room moving around. As the girl tries to see what is wrong, she is confronted with a killer. Me and Freya came up with this pitch. However, Joaquina didn't like this pitch.

We needed to come up with a pitch that we could all agree on and work with. Therefore, we kept on discussing. We thought about different genres and sub genres like horror and suspense that would help come up with a good pitch. After a while of discussing, we decided to watch a few short horrors on YouTube to get a better understanding and inspiration for our pitch.

We watched a few videos to get inspiration for our pitch. Finally, we got back to discussing. It was difficult to come up with our pitch. We needed to come up with something that we all agreed on and that was actually doable. If Freya liked a pitch, Joaquina didn't like it. If i liked a pitch, neither of them liked it. This took a while. After discussing and thinking through our ideas, we finally narrowed down to our final pitch. The pitch we came up with ended up being a thriller/crime. My group and I agreed that it was a good pitch. The pitch was: A girl is coming home from dinner with a man. When they get to the house, they get in bed together, and the girl ends up seeing suspicious things in the home, leading to the man killing her. This was the best pitch that was thought of, so we used this one.

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