Friday, January 17, 2020

Start of the Final Task

For this project I will be working with Freya, and Joaquina. At first we were going to work with Jeo. Jeo then decided that he would work by himself because it was easier for him. My group and I discussed different ideas and pitches for our project. At first, Joaquina wanted to do a comedy. Me and Freya told Joaquina that a comedy wouldn't work because the video has to make the viewer want to feel anticipation. This wouldn't work with a comedy. Thus, after discussing some more, we came to the conclusion that we will be doing a suspense/thriller. We will be making an opening to a movie in which I will be the killer and Freya will be the victim. These past few classes, I have learned many things.

One thing I learned was what a "pitch" is. A pitch is a Hollywood term to describe an idea where a film is encapsulated in twenty five words or less. Usually with one sentence. I also learned about audiences and institutions. The institution is the companies that make films. The audience is the people that watch the films. I learned about conglomerates and subsidiaries as well. A conglomerate is a large parent company which owns a range of smaller companies, while a subsidiary is the smaller companies owned by a parent company. Concentration of media ownership on the other hand, is a process whereby progressively fewer individuals or organisations control increasing shares of the media. Finally, I learned about the Big Five. The Big Five (Walt Disney, Warner Bros, Universal, Colombia, and Paramount) are the top movie studios.

My group and I came up with a few pitches. We discussed a few of the pitches and picked the best ones. We came up with our first pitch; a girl is going for run, she sees a person following her so she turns. The girl looks back again and is still being followed by the same person, so she decides to start running faster and when she takes a turn, she runs into the stalker. Our second pitch was a crime/thriller, which is the one we decided to use. A girl is coming home from dinner with a man. When they get to the house, they get in bed together, and the girl ends up seeing suspicious things in the home, leading to the man killing her. After taking a long time to come up with our narrowed down pitch , we finally got it. This was the best pitch that was thought of, so we used this one.

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