Sunday, January 26, 2020

Genre Research: Avatar

1.  Camera Angles

Common CAMS seen throughout Avatar are, Wide shots, a lot of wide shots were used to mainly capture the conversations between more than two people as well as the action. Close ups, eye level, high angel to capture the island of Pandora, long shots, and point of view.

2. Common Mis- en- scene (CLAMPS)

Costumes used in Avatar were uniforms they used to fight in. Not much make up was used, considering the roles of the avatars were played by people who wore special suits that would later translate on screen as the actual Avatar. A lot of props were used throughout the movie as well as sound, I.e. the noises the guns would make. Lastly the actors were great at playing the roles of the avatars and creating emotional connections.

3. Common sound in the movie:

The common sounds in this movie were, explosions, screaming, screeches, ambient nature sounds and gunfire. There was both diegetic and non-diegetic sounds. 

4. Editing

The editing that was used was, again, the way they edited the avatars it was almost as if the actors played the role of a green screen. Other editing tools included, jump cuts, split screens, cutaways, and dissolve.

5. Elements of the Genre in the movie:

As for elements, this movie included explosions, stunts, and combat.

6. What elements of the genre did the movie have that you liked?

I really enjoyed how they portrayed the avatars in the movie. The way the utilized technology and were able to display the characters on the screen with out it looking too much of an animation.

7. What elements of the genre did not appeal to you?

The way they filmed certain scenes could have been better. I say that to this, being it is a sci-fi movie; I wanted to see a little bit more of the science aspect. While the writer/director did a good enough job the element of science fiction could've been enhanced a little more. 

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