Sunday, January 26, 2020

Genre Research: Black Panther

As the end of the school year comes to a closing, so does all the classes and assignments. For Aicemedia, the final assignment has been started as of the new year. The Aice students have been instructed to do an opening of an original movie that we have created to be submitted to Cambridge for grading. Before we can get to that part, everything has to be planned out and done step by step to ensure the final project is done accurately. There will around 30 or more blogs to help groups or individuals plan and look back on when necessary. This blog will focus on a selected movie from the genre my group members and I choose. The movie selected is Black Panther. The movie focuses on an African American male who has to rise to the throne of Wakanda and ensure the safety of his people and the whole world in general. Although he has faced many dangers, he shows determination throughout the movie and his will to sacrifice himself for the good. The science-fiction/ fantasy film was released in 2018 and produced by Walt Disney's Marvel Studios. It became a very popular movie and made millions of dollars. The movie image is inserted.
First, camera shots, angles and movements in this motion picture include (but aren't limited to ) over the shoulder, long shot, establishing shot, medium shot, low angle, dutch angle, tracking shot, and zoom. The over the shoulder shot shows a sorrowful moment as TChalla's father slowly kills his brother who stole and gave Vibranium to an enemy of Wakanda. This shot gives a personal view and shows that there is some relationship between the characters. There is also a medium shot of two female characters, Nakia and Okoye, hugging from the relief of one another being safe. A low angle in this is W'Kabi blowing the horning to initiate a meeting for the different groups in Wakanda. This angle shows that W'Kabi must be highly ranked because the individuals to whom he was blowing the horn to is placed below him. For movement, a common shot done in this film is the tracking shot where men are riding horses quickly as they follow the Wakanda spaceship to its landing. This might have been implemented to show that something is about to be uncovered in the movie and it allows the audience to anticipate what will come the same way the horse riders are. Next, elements for the mis en scene within the movie are costumes, lighting, actors, makeup, props, and sound. The clothing choices for the people of royalty are somewhat bright garments dressed with gold jewelry. This style showed that the characters such as TChalla’s mother, was wealthy or had great influence in Wakanda. African warriors whether men or women wore skin tight armors in the production and paired it with pointy sticks that matched the outfits. The makeup in the movie in the movie goes hand in hand with the costumes such as the face paint used to indicate war ready people. Micheal B. Jordan’s character had bumps that looked like braille to show how much fighting he was involved in.  The actors in the movie portrayed their roles excellently. Thoughout the movie, TChalla did his part in leading as the ruler of Wakanda despite the adversary he faced. Lupita Nyong’o, who played Nakia the young spy for Wakanda. Nakia fulfills her role of being a caring being who will risk it for those she cares about when she helps many girls captured in the movie escape.
     Moreover, the lighting in the movie consists of a mixture of darkness with minimal light in certain scenes. An example is the scene that shows how Vibranium is decreasing quickly in Wakanda and will have a great impact on the society. During this scene the darkness gave a gloomy mood and showed me as the audience, a sense of defeat among the fictional place. However, the little light left glowing from the Vibranium showed that there was hope for the people of Wakanda. The props used in this film consisted of spaceships, guns, swords, and even horns. This help make the fighting scenes more exciting. The sound in the movie were a lot of diegetic and non diegetic. The fighting scene between two future kings of Wakanda had diegetic sound which was the water swooshing and falling in the background. Non diegetic were the sounds coming from the fake Black Panther car used. The editing done in this film were cross cutting, fade ins, match cut, reaction shot, and shot/ reverse shot. The common elements of genre in this film were advanced technology, fictional locations, and saving humanity before it’s too late. To finish this blog, something i didn’t like in regards to the elements of the genre was the fictional location. Being that this movie focuses solely on African/ African American people, I wish it used a real civilization to base the film on. On the other hand, the element of genre I appealed to was saving humanity. I often enjoy happy endings and thanks to TChalla and those who helped him figure out how to stop Vibranium from going scarce, life on Earth.

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