Sunday, January 26, 2020

Action and Thriller Genre Research Blog


Common Camera Angles:

  • Aerial Shot
  • Close up
  • Medium Shot
  • Long Shot
  • Deep Focus
  • Dutch Tilt
Common Mis en Scene: 

  • City Setting
  • City Lights
  • Lighting and shadows
  • Costumes 
  • Makeup
Common Editing: 

  • Skip scene
  • Insert
  • Cutaway
  • Eyeline Match
  • Cross cutting
Elements of the Genre: 
  • Fighting
  • Stunts
  • Eplosions
  • Explosives
Film Examples:

  • Avengers
  • Spiderman 3
  • Ironman 2
  • Mad Max
  • John Wick
Common sounds in action films: 

  • Explosions
  • Screams
  • Gunfire
  • Crowd
  • Police Cars
  • Vehicles
Elements of the genre that I like:

The element I like about this genre is the intense feeling that you get at the climax of the film. I also like the different props used throughout the films such as fake explosives and cars.

What elements of the genre do not appeal to you?: 

The element of the genre that I don't like is the lack of on-set action. The use of cgi has taken over almost all of the movies that we watch today.


Common Camera Angles:

  • Establishing Shot
  • Close up
  • Pan Shot
  • Two Shot
  • Depth of Field
  • Over the Shoulder Shot
Common Mis en Scene: 

  • Props; knives, weapons and more.
  • Crowd of people.
  • Lighting 
  • Costumes and makeup
  • CGI
Common Editing: 

  • Cut
  • Insert
  • Fade
  • Jump cut
  • Shot Reverse shot
  • Cross cutting
Elements of the Genre: 
  • Conflict
  • Villains
  • Bridging tension
Film Examples:

  • Get out
  • Us
  • Gerlad's Game
  • Glass
  • Bird Box
  • Jaws
Common sounds in thriller films: 
  • Screams
  • Gunfire
  • One on one combat
  • Police Cars

Elements of the genre that i like:

The element I like about this genre is the excitement and tension that you get during the film. I also like the costumes and makeup used in different thriller films; they make the movie more exciting.

What elements of the genre do not appeal to you?: 

The element of the genre that I don't like is how thriller movies don't include as many characters compared to different genres such as comedies or actions.

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