Sunday, January 26, 2020

Genre Research: Alien Covenant

1. Common CAMS in the movie:

The common CAMS in Alien Covenant are Eye level, Low angle, Over the shoulder, Long shot, Three shot, Two shot, Low Angle, Dutch Angle, Pan and Single Take.

2. Common CLAMPS in the movie:

The common CLAMPS in the movie was the decor used in different scenes for example the spaceship. There was also different props used while the characters were in the spaceship. There was also different lighting and shadows used throughout the film as well as decor and character placement. As for costumes and makeup, the anti-hero in the movie was an alien, therefore there was costumes and makeup used to create the alien.

3. Common sound in the movie:

The common sounds in this movie were, explosions, screaming, screeches, ambient nature sounds and gunfire. There was both diegetic and non-diegetic sounds.

4. Common editing in the movie:

As for editing, there was Skip scenes, Inserts, Cutaways, Eyeline Matches, and Cross cutting.

5. Elements of the Genre in the movie:

As for elements, this movie included explosions, stunts, and combat.

6. What elements of the Genre did the movie have that you like?:

The elements of the movie that I liked was the CGI used to create the explosions and the aliens in the movie. The CGI and effects really made the movie exciting and fun to watch.

7. What elements of the Genre did the movie have that did not appeal to you?:

The elements that did not appeal to me was the lack of one on one action with the characters and the antagonists.

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