Thursday, March 5, 2020

Peer Editing Adrianna’s Film

One thing I really liked about Adriana's film was that it was really easy to follow. The film had great lighting which made it easy for me to follow along. Her movie also had great sound so that me as well as my group members are aware of what is happening throughout her film. The plot of Adriana's film was also good. Her plot was about a girl who hasn't left her home for a long period of time, and once she did, she was attacked. I liked her plot because it was straight to the point. This made it easy to follow along since it wasn't anything complicated. I also liked the gorilla costume Adriana used for the Antagonist. This was my favorite part because it was funny.

Although Adriana's film was good, there was still some things she could have improved. I suggest that she adds music. A score would have been a good idea so that it could set the mood for the viewers. Adriana could have also added non-diegetic sounds to make the film more exciting. She could maybe add scream sound effects, rumbling sound effects or screech sounds. This would give the film a more suspenseful feeling. Adriana also should add an eye-line and action match. Cambridge needs to see all of the diferent types of angles and shots. Therefore, if Adriana adds all of these things, her movie will be great.

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