Thursday, February 27, 2020

Editing Blog Editing Complications

After filming all of our scenes, we had to start editing our movie. The editing process was both fun and complicated due to various reasons. At first, we wanted to use Pinnacle Studio. After filming everything we needed to, we dumped all of our files in our google drive so that we could all have access to them. We did this so that if one of us wanted to fix up editing the movie at home we can. After dumping our scenes, this is when we decided to start editing. The editing was complicated due to the actual editing programs themselves. We wanted to use Pinnacle studio at first, so we tried it. Pinnacle was working for the first couple of minutes, but then it crashed and it didn’t save our work. So, we tried Pinnacle Studios again. However, Pinnacle was way too slow, so my group and I came to the conclusion that we will use Sony Vegas Pro 14. I already had Sony Vegas Pro 14 installed on my computer as well, so this was much easier. As for editing the sound and music, we used many diegetic and non-diegetic sounds. We also added a dark score to the film. We added a dark score so that it would fit the genre of our film. This will set the mood for the viewers so that they get an idea of the film genre. Amelia and I looked up Copyright Free music to put as the score for our film while Charli looked up different non-diegetic sounds to add. We finally came to the agreement on what score and sounds we should use after a while of searching and added it to the editing program. Finally, after hours of editing we almost finished our film.

Monday, February 24, 2020

Filming Blog Rainy Day

We filmed for our fist time at Charli's house. We used the backyard in which we filmed by the pool for the first couple of scenes. The last couple of scenes took place in Charli's garage. At first, Amina (a friend of ours) was supposed to come and help us film by being one of the characters. Unfortunately, Amina couldn't make it to Charli's house. This meant we had to film with one less character in the movie. When Amelia and I got to Charli’s house, it was pouring outside. This made it  hard for us to film. The rain was on and off and on and off, so we had to film in the few seconds that we had when it wasn’t raining. This made the filming process a little more complicated and time consuming. Since Amina couldn’t make it to the filming, we had to change the story up a little since she was one of the main characters. After filming our first few scenes, we didn’t have to be outside in the rain. The last couple of scenes took place in Charli’s garage. This is the scene where Charli (who played as Sabrina) was knocked out in the garage. I filmed Amelia walking into the garage and looking for Charli until she found her body. The next scene we filmed was both characters tied up to a chair. This is when they came face to face with the killer himself. I filmed all of the clips except the scene where i (the killer) come face to face with the characters. Charli filmed me taking off the bandana covering my face.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Planning Blog : Storyboard

As we approach the final step before, it is time to construct our movie. We must storyboard the way we imagine our entire two-minute film playing out. So below, is a power point of a collection of scenes that we have drawn out to vividly follow once we move into filming.  Scene by scene we include foot notes of the angles, shots, and sounds we want to include in the the project. Story boarding is a great process because, instead of us going into filming day trying to come up with things on the spot. We are able to do verbatim of what our storyboard lays put for us. Another thing about the process is you are able to change things in case something does not go as planned on filming day. From our previous projects, our group and I almost never  followed our storyboard. We kind of thought on the spot and went against what our whole storyboard said. Lastly once we begin our filming process next week, being that this video is a lot longer than any of our other projects. We will be referring back to the story board a lot. 

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Planning Blog : Title Design in details

In the presentation below, I explained how I will be setting up my titles. In order for my group and I to put our film together we must follow a guideline showing how we will edit in our titles. I included how the first title will look when it pops up. I also included the different colors, spacing, contrast, and the final title of our movie. This is important because the viewers need to be able to see the actual text. It is also important because the text is what will set the mood for the film. The size and positioning of the font is also important. I also included the final title of the film. This lets Cambridge know what our film will be called. If we end up changing the title, we will go back and change it in the presentation.

Planning Blog : Location, Participants, Health, and Schedule

In order for my group and I to create our two minute opening, we must plan out what we need to do. So, we have been given planning blogs which allow us to master our plan. Inserted below is a slide presentation I created explaining the location, participants, health and safety and the schedule. The presentation includes where we will be filming so that Cambridge knows specifically where the filming will be taking place and we will be filming. The presentation also lets them know who will be in the film. I listed who will be acting, who will be directing, who will be filming and who will edit the final product. This lets Cambridge know who will do what. I also included information about health and safety. This is important because Cambridge needs to know how we will film our film safely despite the genre that we are doing. This presentation will help my group members and I organize ourselves in order for us to put our film together.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Planning Blog : Shooting Script

Before the final project comes to a closing, every detail for this two-minute opening must be planned out thoroughly. To do so we have been assigned several blogs beginning with the Sound and Shooting script. These scripts go hand in hand on how to produce and direct a successful film. Inserted below is a shooting script created by me in a slide presentation along with the help of my group members. This script contains every movement that will take place in the film whether it be camera angles, camera movements, or even the movement from the actors. The script also consists of brief noting of the location of where each scene of the opening will take place. Lightning, an element keenly used in filmmaking, is included because it helps the viewers assess that there is a significance in the mood trying to be brought out. There are also a few details of different editing that will be done in certain scenes to enhance the effect our movie genre brings when being watched. The shooting script, however, does not mention literal dialogue or sound effects because that is recorded in the sound script. With the separation between sound and movement, it makes it easier for my group and me to film our final project with ease and comfort. This will result in us being able to produce something our Cambridge graders and teachers will enjoy watching later on.

Planning Blog : Sound and Dialogue

Moving on to the next phase of our two minute opener, we are now begging to plan the entire film. In this part of our journey it is all about the planning of what is going to go into the film.  What you see below is the sound and dialogue script that includes every sound or conversation in the movie. This particular script excludes every thing other than sound or dialogue (i.e. camera movements, camera angles, editing tools, etc...). We have constructed a quite easy/simple sound script. We will only have three characters and it will be the same group members (Charli, Amelia, and Amina) playing the roles of our imaginary characters. Some scenes actually do not include dialogue because we really want our viewers to focus on the concept behind the movie opener. We plan on strictly following this script so that we can avoid going back to change it. But anything can happen so if something comes up on the spot then we will modify. Lastly, the sound script will simply make filming a lot smoother and easier; knowing that we have an outline.