Thursday, December 5, 2019

Music Video Editing Blog

After finally being able to film our music video, we needed to edit. At first, we didn't know which editing program we were gonna use. My group and I discussed about how we would edit the video and what effects to use in our video. After discussing and coming to our conclusions, we decided to use Pinnacle Studio to put the video together. First, we got the computer in class. We then signed into Freya's user and dumped all of the clips onto the computer. After dumping the clips, we uploaded the videos to Joaquina's Google Drive just in case. We then opened up Pinnacle studio, which took a while to open because the computer was slow and running low on battery.

 Finally, Pinnacle studio opened up, and we started to edit. However, Pinnacle was not working correctly. Pinnacle Studio was laggy and taking too long to import the videos, therefore we decided to use iMovie on Freya's phone. We put the computer back and grabbed Freya's phone. All of the clips were already filmed on Freya's cell phone, so we didn't have to transfer anything. My group and I each took turns putting the video together on iMovie and used a various amount of effects and transitions. We used different types of Mis en Scene, added our music, inserts, and colors. We added a grainy vhs aesthetic to fit the vibe. This was Freya's idea. The effect made the music video look like an old music video. We discussed while we edited the video and gave each other ideas.

Joaquina came up with the best ideas while editing the music video. She helped pick the best transitions. I thought it was best to not use too many transitions and keep it simple. Editing with iMovie was definitely the better choice. It was easier and quicker than Pinnacle Studios. The app launched right away, and it was simple and fun to use. It took us a while to finish editing the video since we had so many ideas. At first, our video was too long and reached up to two minutes. Therefore we had to trim it down and make it requirement. Overall, editing was the most exciting part of the project since we got to execute all of our ideas and see what we created. We were definitely excited to see our final product.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Second Music Video Filming Blog

On Friday, we started filming. We went over to Freya’s apartment after school. Almost everything went like we planned. We already had a few spots planned out to film in. We called ahead of time to ask if we had permission to film. Without permission, we could’ve gotten kicked out. That would’ve led to us having to pick other locations and waste time. We started off by filming in a local cafe. We liked the setting and thought it would fit well with the song. We changed the song to Get Lucky by Daft Punk. We changed it because we wanted a more exiting song with a lighter meaning. This song is pretty much about just having fun and getting lucky with your friends.
        Another setting we used for our commercial is Freya’s neighbourhood. She lives in a very family friendly area. We got some nice shots of the water and playing in a park. We just want the video to give off a free feeling. We want the audience to understand what it’s like to simply let go and have fun, like the actors in the video. We also planned on filming inside of Freya’s room. We got some good shots of us watching a movie and jumping on the bed. Again, that gives off the feeling of teenage freedom and excitement.
        The only issue we came across was that it started raining at around 5 and we had to stop filming. We finished filming on Monday because it was a good day for us to meet again. We visited all the places and even got some good shots at an art show. It was an exciting environment and we were able to get some shots with different lighting. We already have a few ideas as how to edit the scenes. Our friend, Matti, was able to come and be in the video with us. Josh mostly recorded, because he didn’t want to be in the video. We have to start editing today and will hopefully be done by this week. We are hoping to add a grainy, old fashioned filter on it. We will all help with the process.